When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, there were significant concerns about the future of the

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The Slovak Republic : Nazi Germany’s Most Important Vassal State During World War II
When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, there were significant concerns about the future of the nation-state. However, the Slavic people who resided in Czechoslovakia saw it as an opportunity to…
The Importance of Archaeology Today
Fun fact: Archaeologists aren’t all Indiana Jones. They do not search for what we assume to be lost treasure but instead dig up a timeline of our planet’s history, carefully…
Great Moravia : The Slavic Republic Of The Early World
Moravia was an area in central Europe that filled in as the focal point of a significant middle age boom, known as Great Moravia before The Duchy of Bohemia consolidated…
Egypt and Archeology
Archeology wasn’t a greatly respected field of science back in the enlightenment era (17th – 19th Century). Many evolutionary thinkers, such as Charles Darwin, didn’t dig up any gravesites or…
The Coveted Peace Called Westphalia
Sometimes they call it the first global conflict. The Thirty Years’ War brought suffering that was so great that nothing lasted for centuries before or after it. Exactly 370 years…
Martin Declaration : A Document By Which Slovaks Said Goodbye To Hungary 100 Years Ago
The Declaration of the Slovak Nation of October 30, 1918, commonly called the Martin Declaration, is a document that is much written and discussed. Not only historians but also politicians…
In The Midst Of Chaos : The Beginnings Of The Czechoslovak Legions In Russia
The Czechoslovak legions, as they were later called military units, composed of Czech and Slovak soldiers, were an extremely important part of the foreign resistance during the First World War,…
October 28, 1918 : The Day The Republic Was Founded
Shortly before October 28, 1918, the Austro-Hungarian army was disbanded, suffered defeat on the Italian front, and the Habsburg monarchy itself faced collapse. Its leaders have made every effort to…
Where Are The Roots Of Today’s Nations ? We Know Nothing Without Written Sources
Every human group has had its identity since ancient times. However, in order to examine the past of the identity of present nations , it is necessary to first clarify…